“The Appreciative Discernment Theory (ADT) sounds wonderful but where is the of the Cross?”
“The Church today is a church driven towards success, but success in the church means embracing the Cross, that is my option.”
“Life is a vicious cycle, we live at different moments that of failure and that of success this is all found in this theory of ADT (Appreciative Discernment Theory).
“ Be careful, ADT is not aiming solely at success or perfection as such, Missionaries of Africa is a human Institution therefore there is always an imperfection somewhere.”
“ ADT is a powerful theory but it must be well understood in order to bring good results, but should we know the weaknesses of the old theory?”
“There is fear in us of being good, we enjoyed to be in a messy situation, it is like “if you wash a pig it goes back to its muddy place.”
“ If I change will I be of any success, I am afraid to risk, so I am comfortable.”
“The reality of the dwelling place of God, the reality is the CROSS iin our life individually or communally.”
“The paschal mystery in the ADT is found in the doing and sustaining our life, change is a cross.”
“ Instead of starting with a critical eye that ignores what works, we start from what goes well (which is positive)." (Superior General, Rome)
“What do you fear?”
“ I managed to conquer my fears, and I went into the mission.”
“ Being a missionary of Africa entails a risk.”
They told me you cannot manage because you have no money, no car, you don’t have a Ph.D, but I believed in myselfI made it.”
“The question you need to ask yourself is “What can I do for my society and not what can the society do for me.”
“Let us give space to each other old and new.”
“I heard a lot of negativity about Poland, about Katakwi but I overcame and went forward.”
“Mission is believing in God and in myself as well.”
“I got support from confreres or community and the people I served.”
“I took the drink as part of my integration into a cultural setting.”
“I go into the mission with God, and prayer is the engine of my mission.”
“I believe in my giftedness”
“We want to discern a dream or vision for the future that stretches us beyond the good that is already present.”
“As missionaries of Africa we accept the responsibility to be co-creators of our communities.” ( Pre-Capitular Doc from General Council Rome).
“What are we doing?”
“We need to explore the world behind the image.”
“You cant ask your grandmother to run the marathon.”
“As missionaries of Africa we are trained to discern, to work, to pray and to live together like a family.”
“Animals have no images but they organize themselves and work well.”
“In order to relate well with one another in a healthy and mature way we need self-awareness.”
“Without the sense of universality the church will be no longer a church.”
“Without a cross the church become a supermarket.”
“In life you must be able to embrace your madness.”
“I have a dream.”
“Lack of proper and genuine consultation breeds resentment and anger whatnot.”
“If you cannot take risk just be prepared to fail.”
“Let us trust ourselves as regards to income generating projects.”
“We are not serious and let us remove defense mechanisms.”
“I feel attacked for expressing the truth.”
“Enough is enough, we have spoken a lot on income generating projects now is time to act.”
“If you only accept what you like and reject what you don’t like then it is not gospel” (St. Augustino of Hippo).
“Mission is about love of Jesus of Nazareth and not about money”
“To aim building a good church without forming good families is like aiming to build a beautiful house but on sand foundation.”
“We are like a neglecting father who distributes food to neighbor’s family but neglecting his own”
“We need to establish a “karibu community” as care for the needy brothers especially those wounded with addictions.”
“Proper care of needy brothers must begin in our own communities first.”
“You need to hit the rock bottom to realize that you are sick and you need help.”
“Let us listen to the hidden voice.”
“Today we have enough money, tomorrow we don’t have, how come?”
“We have no fund to support our apostolate, but we continue fishing money out what a contradiction.”
“We need to open doors to our Christians,friend and family members who want to support us now.”
“Mission is all about passion for Jesus Christ and his people.”