Friday, October 23, 2015


The day started with the laudes at about 08:30 in the morning. 

Today the dimension covered was the SETBACKS in the area of Mission, Human Resources, Finances and Material Resources and Governance and Leadership.

After presentations in the area of Setbacks, each group dealt with the dimension of the DREAM, or suggestions of what is ought to be done. This was done by representation of certain images like the image of the "Pelican" or trees with interacting roots in an attempt to express an image of how things ought to function. Like going back to the roots.

PROCEDURE used was first individual work and then group work and finally reporting to the whole assembly. All the participants listened and follow closely and where invited to make additional remarks of criticisms in the positive sense

All there participants where happy with the power of the method used of APPRECIATIVE DISCERNMENT. Its a powerful tool. The day ended with the Chapter Prayer and the celebration of Holy Mass in the chapel.

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